The long long silence is because I've been a busy little bee due to my involvement in the group show: Girls For Boys.
It opened on Thursday 28th August at GAFFA GALLERY and runs until September 9th. Level 1/7 Randle Street, Surry Hills.
It is a fab show, anyone interested in contemporary jewellery should check it out, especially boys!
Here's some blurb from the press release:
Finally an exhibition of jewellery & objects that shines a light on adornment for men.
Ten female graduates of the Jewellery & Object Design, Advanced Diploma course from the Design Centre Enmore have united to address a need increasingly voiced by their male peers. Tired of being asked why it doesn't seem to exist, these ten girls have created an exhibition of quirky, unique and handmade contemporary jewellery & objects, made for and inspired by boys.
Participants are:
Georgina Pattinson
Lisa Furno
Majella Beck
Natalie Klave
Natasha Marcus-Taylor
Nikki Majajas
Pamela Suares
Radka Passianova
Sonya Scott
Tamahra Prowse
Most of the work is for sale and there are also gorgeous catalogues available to buy.
The opening night was a smashing success, apparently one of the biggest in the gallery's history. Thankyou to everyone who attended, I hope you enjoyed the show!!!