I have had a really mixed bag response to my choice of label name, but I love it and it's definitely stuck. It comes from the new testament, from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. While the biblical meaning is relevant, my choice has more than a little to do with my love of Miss Piggy, a long time hero of mine. I can relate to her love of multiple costume changes, overuse of made-up french words, undying love for her frog and her extreme bossiness.
One of my favourite pieces of jewellery is a hog ring by Vernon Bowden, called CAPITALIST PIG. Oh and I'm year of the pig. And I love pork.
Pearls Before Swine is a FABULOUS name! You even make me wanna wear pearls!!
I am so proud of you and can't wait to see more of them itty bitty gorgeous things you'll be creating....and it's just the beginning! Your Kermie for life, C x
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